Danielle Jackson
February 13, 2020 -On Algorithms & Visual Culture
Charles W. "Mark" Haxthausen on Carl Einstein
November 14, 2019 -The hopeless chasm between discourse and image: On Carl Einstein’s Art Criticism
Nancy Princenthal
October 24, 2019 -Unspeakable Acts: Women, Art and Sexual Violence in the 1970's
Ben Davis
October 10, 2019 -How to Write About Art: A Little Theory
Cynthia Cruz
April 04, 2019 -Disquieting: Essays on Silence
Degree Critical Relaunch
February 07, 2019 -Relaunch of Degree Critical's new website
Jennifer Kabat
January 24, 2019 -Digital Blues
Joshua Sperling with David Levi Strauss
December 06, 2018 -Book launch: A Writer of Our Time: The Life & Writings of John Berger (2018, Verso)